Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Clacton's Christmas tree removed after just one day for not being 'man enough for the job'

A town center Christmas tree labelled "a twig" by critics has been removed after just one day. The 12ft (4m) tree was given to Clacton by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and was put up in the Town Square. But Tendring District Council said it had now taken the tree down saying it was "not man enough for the job".

Peter Halliday, leader of the Conservative-controlled council, said "It is very disappointing after we were donated a tree, but there was no other decision that could be made but to take the tree down. It is just too prominent a site for a tree of that size and on a site that is exposed to some pretty strong winds.

"We would be letting our residents and traders down if we did not come up with something more substantial," he said. The council said the gift had been "a generous gesture", adding that it hoped the business group would understand. The FSB has yet to comment on the tree's removal.

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