Saturday, November 9, 2013

Deer rescued from French garage roof

A deer got stuck on the garage roof on Monday night in the town of Verneuil-sur-Indre in the Indre-et-Loire department of central France.
After a three-hour rescue mission conducted by local government agents, the animal was finally back on firm ground. Reports say that the animal probably ended up on the roof by way of a perch from a neighbouring garden.
But the animal slipped on the roof slates and was unable to turn back. “He tried hard to turn back but slipped and was lying on the roof. We had to find a solution,” the town’s mayor Philippe Bruneau said.

Fortunately, the animal suffered no injuries and was eventually able to go back the way it came. "In my 12 years in office, I've had to track down a wolf, and now rescue a deer from a roof. Not bad," added Bruneau.

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