Monday, November 25, 2013

Dog needed surgery after eating girl’s homework

A family dog in Englewood, Colorado, required emergency surgery after eating a girl’s homework.
A science project, a chocolate volcano, was too much of a temptation for Reggie the dog. “It was Mt. Haleakala in Maui,” Reggie's owner Payton said. The problem was the volcano had metal pins in it. Reggie ate them and had to go to the vet to have them removed.

Fifty pins showed up on his abdominal X-ray. Some were removed with an endoscope down Reggie’s throat, but there were still more to get out. “We went in surgically, pulled out the one large and four of the small straight pins,” veterinarian Dr. Brian VanVechten said.
Payton later provided X-rays to her teacher to make her story stick. The science assignment has been redone and handed in for credit. “I completely redid the project with glue the second time.” Reggie and Payton received high praise for their scientific endeavour. “I got an ‘A,’ “ said Payton. Reggie has fully recovered.

There's a video here.

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