Monday, November 25, 2013

Faux News Exposes Panhandling Scammer: John Stossel

Ho Ho Ho! Faux News Exposes Panhandling Scammer: John Stossel

With the holiday season near, this Faux News segment is probably the most surreal experience you'll have this year. Watch as four rich white people have a morning chat about the evils of giving to the homeless...

Wearing a fake beard, Stossel sat on a New York City sidewalk with a cardboard sign asking people for help. “I just begged for an hour but I did well,” he said. “If I did this for an eight-hour day I would’ve made 90 bucks. Twenty-three thou for a year. Tax-free.”

Elizabeth Hasselbeck, who recently purchased a $4 million home in Greenwich, gasped in horror at the prospect of poor people earning $23,000 a year. Some people asking for money “are actually scammers,” said Hasselbeck seemingly oblivious of the irony that the only panhandling “scammer” Faux News identified was Stossel himself.
Seriously, Dude, is Faux News a subsidiary of The Comedy Channel?

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