Thursday, November 14, 2013

For the First Time EVER, a Prosecutor Will Go to Jail for Lying a Man into Prison for 25 years

On Nov 9th in Texas, former prosecutor and judge Ken Anderson pled guilty to intentionally failing to disclose evidence in a case that sent an innocent man,  Michael Morton, to prison for the murder of his wife. When trying the case as a prosecutor, Anderson possessed evidence that may have cleared Morton, including  statements from the crime's only eyewitness that Morton wasn't the culprit. Anderson sat on this evidence, and then watched Morton get convicted.
While Morton remained in prison for the next 25 years, Anderson's career flourished, and he eventually became a judge.

We've taked about this before,
America is so fucked, it's perfectly legal to frame a innocent person for murder.
How can we even live with ourselves?

It's happened hundreds (or thousands) of times and this crooked Tejas asshole finally has to pay, with TEN DAYS in jail for making Mike Morton sit in a cage for 25 years.
Like I say, it's a start but aren't you ashamed of this stupid country?
They set it up so the rich and powerful can imprison any innocent man they want.

And in super-racist Tejas, that has meant, over the centuries, powerless Black men
have done time (or been executed) on the slighest whims of the evil white bastards.

"With liberty and justice for all" is one of the great jokes of our time.

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