Tuesday, November 12, 2013

House repugicans Have Flip-Flopped on the ACA and Now Want to Fix Obamacare

Facing all time record low popularity, House repugicans have completely shifted their position and announced that they want to fix the issues with Obamacare.
According to The Hill:
The repugicans have shifted their strategy on ObamaCare.
Weeks ago, many repugicans said ObamaCare — including Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) — was too broken to fix. But now, the repugican cabal is drafting legislation that aims to do just that.
The repugican wants to rebuild its political capital and public credibility by solving ObamaCare’s implementation problems. This pivot comes after repugicans took major hits in polls following the government shutdown.
House repugicans want to fix the ACA because the law is getting more popular, while they are getting less popular. Before anyone gets too excited and thinks that a wave of sanity has ripped through John Boehner’s House repugicans, Boehner’s gang still wants to get rid of the ACA, but they are so desperate to keep their seats next year that they want to make it look like they actually care about people.
They aren’t doing anything that would make the law better. Instead, they are going to pass a bill that would allow people to keep the health insurance that they already have. Their plan won’t work, because some of the insurers that have cancelled junk policies have left the marketplace. Are House repugicans, these so called champions of small government, going to use their power as the government to make the insurance companies come back into the business and restore policies?
Some House repugicans have realized that fixing the problems that have cropped up with the law is much more popular than their efforts to repeal or defund it. It is still uncertain how many repugicans will vote for the fixes. The House repugicans are so completely dysfunctional that they might not be to pass anything other than a repeal, defund, or delay without heavy Democratic support.
Obamacare is more popular than the repugican cabal, which is why House repugicans are hoping that a law that they have sworn to destroy will save their seats in 2014.

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