Friday, November 29, 2013

Human News

Spanking misbehaving kids is a topic debated by parents everywhere. And now, with the release of a new study, there appears to be solid, scientific evidence against the practice. Anthony explains what the researchers behind the study uncovered.
Whatever we do in life, we're bound to be bored at some point, but what kind of bored are we? That's right: There are multiple types of boredom. Laci explains what they are and why boredom has suddenly become less, well, boring.
What can you -- and the airlines -- do to make the experience more comfortable?
Hey, guys... got a nose you think is too big? Well it might just be the thing that helps you bulk up at the gym. That's right, as Anthony tell us, there's a very interesting connection between a big schnoz and bigger muscles.
When it comes to weight loss, it might just be those over-sized plates and bowls you're eating from that are causing your problem. Trace explains a whole new idea behind a cause for overeating.
It's no substitute for actual exercise, but it turns out things like heart rate, respiration, and sweat release can increase watching others exercise.

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