Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lush Must Go

Lush Dimbulb claimed  that Democrats have turned women into nothing but abortion machines. After these comments, it is time for national disgrace Lush Dimbulb to go.

no-rush-limbaughWhile talking about how repugicans can counter the war on women, Dimbulb said, “Look at what they are doing to destroy the black family. They’re destroying minority families. Look at what they are doing to women with their policies. I mean, they’re demeaning them. They’re turning them into nothing but abortion machines. There’s so much that we could be doing if we would just fight back, but the Republican Party even if they had all the money in the world right now, doesn’t seem inclined to do this.”
According to Dimbulb, Democrats are destroying women by standing with them in protection of their right to control their own bodies. Women are leading the fight, and the Democratic Party, in the battle to preserve their right to make their own medical decisions.
The fact that Dimbulb referred to women as abortion machines is another nail in the repugican coffin. Women aren’t machines. They are human beings with equal rights. Dimbulb went way beyond his usual shock jock offensive shtick. Women aren’t machines who have been turned into anything by a political party. Women are the Democratic Party, so it is completely illogical to argue that the Democratic Party is somehow demeaning women.
The “abortion machines” comment is another reason why Lush Dimbulb has got to go. Anyone who advertises on his program deserves to have bad publicity shower down upon them. The only way to stop the promotion of these ugly attacks against women is to make them less profitable.
Lush Dimbulb has an audience that is even older that the one that watches Faux News, but the country can’t wait for his brand of hate speech to die out in another 20 years. Women deserve respect, and every company that buys an ad on Lush Dimbulb’s radio show is disrespecting women.
It is time that American consumers used their power in the free market system to deal with the national disgrace that is Lush Dimbulb.

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