Monday, November 25, 2013

Man named Angel claims he was set up by the devil

A 36-year-old man said he was "set up by the devil" before breaking into and robbing an Arizona City house on Monday.

Pinal County sheriff's deputies said Angel Meza from Eloy was seen running through an Arizona City neighborhood carrying a gun after the homeowner called at about 4pm to report a strange man in her house.
Deputies said Meza tried to load his gun while being chased, but ended up dropping the loaded magazine before he was caught and arrested, a Pinal County sheriff's spokesman said. Deputies said they found items allegedly stolen from the house on Meza when he was searched.

The gun, which deputies said was stolen, and the magazine were recovered. Meza, who said it was the devil's work that he broke into the house, is being held in the Pinal County Jail on suspicion of residential burglary, trespassing, theft and misconduct involving a weapon.

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