Saturday, November 9, 2013

Narcoleptic woman ejected from bar after falling asleep

A Swedish woman who fell asleep in a Stockholm bar has reported the venue to authorities after bouncers kicked her out, despite the fact that she informed them she was a sufferer of narcolepsy.
20-year-old Evelina Perés reported Stockholm nightclub Café Opera to the Equality Ombudsman (Diskrimineringsombudsman, DO) after she was thrown out for dozing off. "I felt tired and sat down on a stool. As I have narcolepsy, I suddenly fell asleep which sometimes happens. It makes no difference if I have been drinking or not, or if I have slept properly before," she wrote in her complaint to the ombudsman. "It just happens."

After snoozing on the stool, two bouncers took her by the arms and threw her onto the street, roughing her up enough to leave bruises on her arms, her report stated. She was fully awake at the time and maintained that the guards showed no interest in hearing her explain her condition. The incident occurred in September. Perés, who has a doctor's certificate for her narcolepsy, wrote that the condition was a direct result of a swine flu jab, and added that she hoped her report could bring some much-needed attention to the problem.
"The state made us get the shot. We are already affected. We don't need to be punished more, we need support and help instead. I have friends with narcolepsy who no longer go out because they don't want to risk being kicked out," she said. A Swedish study confirmed in March that the swine flu vaccine Pandemrix had a direct link to narcolepsy, with those taking the shot under the age of 21 at three times the risk of developing the condition. The owner of Café Opera expressed his regret over the Perés's treatment, explaining no one intended for her to feel "insulted".

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