Wednesday, November 13, 2013

NYC moves to vacate judge's stop-frisk decisions

Attorneys for New York City have asked a federal appeals court to vacate a judge's orders that require the police department to change its stop-and-frisk practice that critics argue unfairly targets minorities. The city said in filings Saturday with the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin's orders should be thrown out largely for the same reasons an appeals court panel gave in staying her decision, pending an appeal.
The panel, which also removed her from the case, said she misapplied a related case ruling that allowed her to take the stop-and-frisk case and she gave media interviews during the trial, calling her impartiality into question.
Advocates for changing stop and frisk blistered at the city's request to vacate the orders.

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