Sunday, November 3, 2013

Pigeon fell down chimney into fire

A pigeon has been rescued from a fire after falling down a house chimney in Fife. The bird was pulled from the flames after a resident in Dunfermline's Cameron Street saw it fall into the open fire on 24 October.
The pigeon, nicknamed Smokey, suffered singed feathers and burnt feet. It is now being cared for at the Scottish SPCA's National Wildlife Rescue Center at Fishcross near Alloa. Colin Liddell, the center's assistant manager, said: "Smokey is doing remarkably well considering the traumatic time he's had lately."
He added: "His feet are swollen and sore from the fire but he's receiving antibiotics, painkillers and cooling antiseptic gel and he seems to be responding well to this treatment. He is eating absolutely everything on offer and is able to walk, however, he can't fly at all at the moment due to the damage to his feathers.

"We may have to pluck the burnt feathers out to encourage new growth and we hope that he'll make a full recovery once this happens. In the meantime, he'll remain in our care until he's fully fit and able to fly. Only then will we release him back into the wild. Hopefully he's learned his lesson and won't be sitting on any chimney pots after this lucky escape."

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