Saturday, November 16, 2013

Science In The News

After lingering in its birthing bay for nearly six months, an Antarctic iceberg the size of Singapore is finally heading out to sea.
The story of how life changed the face of the Earth may be more profound than previously envisioned and could lead to new clues for detecting life on exoplanets.
Individual birds haven't changed their migration schedules in response to climate change. Instead, the results of a 14-year-long study of a migratory shore bird species suggested that early-born birds get more worms and can migrate sooner.
Gloppy mats of microscopic life left the same signature on coastal and river bank sediments 3.48 billion years ago that they do today.
The earliest known big cat lived in what is now China between 5.9 million and 4.1 million years ago, newfound fossils of the ancient prowler suggest.
Occasional explosions of sea-surface life provide a feast for creatures on the ocean floor that are worth years of their otherwise normal food supply.

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