Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sweden and Switzerland Launch Joint Awareness Program to Help Tourists Tell the Two Countries Apart

Sweden and Switzerland are two countries somewhere in Europe--or so I've heard. They are, it turns out, not the same place, nor interchangeable.
Chinese tourists, however, are not always aware of this:
The problem largely stems from the fact that both nations' names are written similarly in Mandarin - Ruidian (Sweden) and Ruishi (Switzerland) – which begin with the same symbol, according to the Swedish Consul General Victoria Li in China.
The Swedish and Swiss consulates in Shanghai want to find a solution to this problem. So they've jointly launched a contest, inviting people to think of funny ways to tell the countries apart. The winner gets a 12-day trip to both countries. Afterward, the winner must report back on his or her findings.
How would you tell them apart?

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