Friday, November 22, 2013

Ten repugicans Who Cheered on Batkid, Want to Revoke His Obamacare

These assholes have been crusading to repeal the Affordable Care Act  
Leukemia survivor Miles, 5, dressed as BatKid, runs the bases as part of a Make-A-Wish foundation fulfillment at AT&T Park November 15th, 2013 in San Francisco, California

by Tim Dickinson

On Friday, a sick child in San Francisco stole the Twittersphere's heart after the Make-a-Wish Foundation helped him don superhero garb and "fight crime" on the streets of San Francisco as "Batkid." Even repugican politicians in Washington couldn't resist rooting him on. Ironically, these assholes – in particular Ted Cruz and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor – have been crusading for Obamacare's repeal, which would again make it legal for insurers to deny coverage to children like Batkid with preexisting conditions.
 1. Ted Cruz
The Texas ass-hat forced a government shutdown to fight the president's healthcare law and believes "we must repeal every word of Obamacare."

2.  Eric Cantor
The House majority leader calls Obamacare an "atrocity."
3. Justin Amash
The Michigan lunatic has taken to the House floor to demand that congress "repeal this unconstitutional law."

4. Darrell Issa
The California whack-job has declared that "ObamaCare is bad for all Americans."

5. Paul Cook
The California repugican wrote in October: "I remain opposed to Obamacare and continue to support its repeal."

6. Randy Webber
 The Texas repugican wants to "permanently delay" Obamacare.

7. Martha Roby
The Alabama two-bit whore brags of voting more than two dozen times to "completely repeal President Obama's health care law."

8. Jeff Duncan
The South Carolina repugican has vowed to "continue to fight until this horrible law is completely repealed."

9. Sean Duffy
During the government shutdown fight, the Wisconsin reptile was so hardcore he questioned Ted Cruz' commitment to battle to defund Obamacare.

10. Trey Radel
 The Florida freshman complained in April that House repugican newcomers had not been given a chance to vote for Obamacare's repeal. "I want a chance as a freshman to do that," Radel said, "even if it’s just symbolic."

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