Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Media Was Wrong

The Shutdown Was a Bigger Deal Than Tech Glitches 
In spite of the media's best efforts, the public thinks the shutdown was a bigger deal than tech glitches on the ObamaCare exchange website.…
boehner shutdown
In spite of their efforts to create a false equivalency, the media has failed to adequately concern troll the American public. The public thinks the shutdown was a bigger deal than tech glitches on the ObamaCare exchange website (shocking, not), according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation poll.
Forty-four percent report following the fight over the federal government shutdown and raising the debt ceiling “very closely,” while just 22% “say they’ve paid close attention to news about the website problems with the insurance exchanges.”
In fact, more people paid attention to efforts to account for and destroy Syria’s chemical weapons at 23% than paid attention to the “glitches”, and Americans don’t pay attention to foreign policy.
Still, the media and repugicans are having an impact. While 48% say the federal government is doing a “poor” job implementing the law, repugicans give even lower ratings to the federal government (the poll doesn’t mention that they are also the most misinformed about the law, but you can’t exist on this planet without confronting evidence of that fact daily).
Forty-four percent view the law unfavorably versus 38% favorably, which is unchanged
And wait- it gets worse for the media and the repugicans (are they ever not on the same page lately?): A majority want to keep or expand ObamaCare rather than defund it or repeal it.
Forty-seven percent want to keep or expand it rather than repeal it. The media likes to take the negative approval for ObamaCare as a sign that the public hates the idea, when in fact there is a reliable segment of the population that wanted single payer. They don’t like ObamaCare because it didn’t go far enough. Only thirty-seven percent want to repeal it.
In other words, the public is not as dumb as the media and the repugicans bet on. Although, it may be that it took until the last week of October for the media and repugicans to break through the wall of apathy over glitches. We can’t say they didn’t try, with the media using angry people who never even tried to get on the site to blast the website.
In repugican cabal pro-life hypocrisy health news, repugicans are now trying to fear-monger the public about the redistribution of wealth represented by ObamaCare. One of their lowlife female lawmakers, Rep. Renee Ellmers, r-N.C, tried to make the case this week that ObamaCare is redistribution of wealth to women. She argued that women should have to pay more for insurance than men because women have babies. In repugican world, because women give birth, they should have to pay all of the costs associated with birth.
Gosh it’s hard to see why repugicans are not winning. Now that people are signing up for ObamaCare (some even figuring out how to use a phone to do it — gasp!– the media has never heard of a phone!!), The repugicans are making a case to throw people off of affordable health insurance.
The repugicans still have no alternative other than repugican cabalNoCare. Because they have no alternative, they are stuck fear-mongering and that is how they ended up demonstrating repugican cabal feminism again, by having a female lawmaker shame expectant mommies about their expectations that the father help with the cost of birth. No word on how women are supposed to pay for this since the repugican cabal does not support equal pay for women.

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