Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The repugicans hope to win elections by being less visible

Split GOPoposaur
Looks like we're going to be seeing some changes in repugican strategy for the 2016 presidential race. Hmm.
Most significantly, the party is considering holding a “Midwestern primary” featuring Great Lakes states such as Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin that would come immediately after the votes in the traditional early primary states. Also being weighed and thought likely to be approved when the repugican national cabal meets in early 2014 is a plan to shorten the primary season considerably by holding the party’s convention in July, almost as soon as the last primary ballots are cast.
"Shortening the primary season considerably" is code for "the less the public is exposed to the horrific gaggle of nutcases that we expect to comprise the 2016 repugican presidential lineup, the better." But what's the "Midwestern primary" bit about?

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