Friday, November 15, 2013

Today in History

655 - Battle of Winwaed: Penda of Mercia is defeated by Oswiu of Northumbria.
1315 - Battle of Morgarten: Swiss beat duke Leopold I of Austria
1660 - 1st kosher butcher (Asser Levy) licensed in NYC (New Amsterdam)
1763 - Charles Mason & Jeremiah Dixon begin surveying Mason-Dixon Line between Pennsylvania & Maryland
1777 - Articles of Confederation adopted by Continental Congress
1869 - Free postal delivery formally inaugurated
1881 - American Federation of Labor (AFL) founded (Pittsburgh)
1920 - League of Nations holds 1st meeting, in Geneva
1936 - Nazi-Germany & Japan sign Anti-Komintern pact
1937 - 1st congressional session in air-conditioned chambers
1938 - Farewell Parade of International Brigades in Barcelona
1939 - Nazis begin mass murder of Warsaw Jews

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