Saturday, November 16, 2013

Today in History

13 - General Tiberius' (later Emperor) triumphant procession through Rome after siege of Germany
1380 - French King Charles VI declares no taxes for ever
1676 - 1st colonial prision organized, Nantucket Mass
1776 - 1st gun salute for an American warship in a foreign port - US Andrew Doria at Ft St Eustatius
1798 - Kentucky becomes 1st state to nullify an act of Congress
1801 - 1st edition of New York Evening Post
1824 - NY City's Fifth Avenue opens for business
1938 - LSD is first synthesized by Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann at the Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland.
1945 - UNESCO is founded.
1950 - Harry Truman proclaims emergency crisis caused by communist threat
1963 - Touch-tone telephone introduced

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