Sunday, November 17, 2013

Today in History

473 - The future Zeno I is named associate emperor by Emperor Leo I.
1800 - Congress held 1st session in Wash DC in uncompleted Capitol building
1855 - David Livingstone becomes the first European to see Victoria Falls in what is now present-day Zambia-Zimbabwe.
1869 - Suez Canal (Egypt) opens, links Mediterranean & Red seas
  Garden officially opens
1928 - Notre Dame finally lost a football game after nearly 25 years
1959 - De Beers firm of South Africa announces synthetic diamond
1966 - Leonids meteor shower peaks (150,000+ per hour)
1968 - NBC cuts to show "Heidi" and misses Raider's rally to beat Jets, 43-32
1970 - British newspaper Sun puts 1st pinup girl on pg 3 (Stephanie Rahn)
1991 - 1st TV condom ad aired 

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