Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Today in History

269 Diocletian is proclaimed emperor of Numerian in Asia Minor by his soldiers. He had been the commander of the emperor's bodyguard.
1695 Zumbi dos Palmares, the Brazilian leader of a 100-year-old rebel slave group, is killed in an ambush.
1700 Sweden's 17-year-old King Charles XII defeats the Russians at Narva.
1903 In Cheyenne, Wyoming, 42-year-old hired gunman Tom Horn is hanged for the murder of 14-year-old Willie Nickell.
1914 Bulgaria proclaims its neutrality in the First World War.
1928 Mrs. Glen Hyde becomes the first woman to dare the Grand Canyon rapids in a scow (a flat-bottomed boat that is pushed along with a pole).
1931 Japan and China reject the League of Council terms for Manchuria at Geneva.
1943 U.S. Army and Marine soldiers attack the Japanese-held islands of Makin and Tarawa, respectively, in the Central Pacific.
1945 The Nazi war crime trials begin at Nuremberg.
1947 Princess Elizabeth (future Queen Elizabeth II) marries Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in Westminster Abbey.
1950 U.S. troops push to the Yalu River, within five miles of Manchuria.
1955 The Maryland National Guard is ordered desegregated.
1962 President John F. Kennedy bars religious or racial discrimination in federally funded housing.
1967 U.S. census reports the population at 200 million.
1971 The United States announces it will give Turkey $35 million for farmers who agree to stop growing opium poppies.
1974 The United States files an antitrust suit to break up ATT.
1978 In Jonestown, Guyana, American Rev. Jim Jones leads his followers in a mass suicide.
1982 South Africa backs down on a plan to install black rule in neighboring Namibia.

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