Saturday, December 7, 2013

French vets advise against feeding dogs foie gras this Xmas

French dog-lovers are being warned by veterinarians that favorite Xtmas foods like foie gras, smoked salmon and dark chocolate are for human consumption only, and can do serious damage to our four-legged friends.

Veterinarians, have made a public call for French animal-lovers, and dog-owners in particular, to resist the temptation to share their Xmas treats and French delicacies with their furry friends.
Foie gras, the French Xmas delicacy par excellence, should be restricted to human consumption, said Laurent Gouardo, an emergency veterinarian at the Maisons-Afort veterinary school near Paris.

“At Xmas, I treat a lot of pancreatitis – a large inflammation of the pancreas caused by consumption of foie gras, but also by intoxication from garlic, onion and grapes,” he said. Likewise, the high salt content in smoked salmon and ham – traditionally served over Xtmas in France – means they should be kept away from Fido, warned Gouardo.

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