Thursday, December 19, 2013

Jaywalking dog caused four-car crash, five-woman fight and two-man punch-up

A jaywalking dog caused a four-car collision, a five-woman fight and a two-man punch-up in Katherine in Australia's Northern Territory on Saturday night. A witness said "they've run into each other, got the shits and started fighting".
Northern Territory Police Superintendent Jo Foley said a woman was driving when a dog ran in front of her vehicle at about 7.15pm. "She braked and was able to stop without collision," Supt Foley said. "A second and third vehicle traveling behind the lead vehicle were able to stop without collision.
"However, the driver of a fourth vehicle traveling behind was apparently distracted and was unable to brake in time to avoid rear-ending the vehicle in front, which pushed all of them into the rears of each other." Supt Foley said a heated exchange between the women followed. An intoxicated man who witnessed the incident reportedly got into a scuffle with one of the women's boyfriends, who turned up at the scene.
"There is information that the drivers were fighting and that a male person was being aggressive, although this person arrived in a vehicle that was not involved in the crash," Supt Foley said. St John Ambulance attended and transported two of the women to Katherine Hospital as a precaution. Sup Foley said that the driver of the fourth vehicle was issued with a traffic infringement notice. It is not known what became of the dog.

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