Monday, December 23, 2013

Pet turkey snatched by fox and attacked by dog is back home for Xmas

A turkey is looking forward to a happy Xmas off the dinner table after escaping attack and surviving alone in the wilderness. Bernard the Norfolk black turkey fought off a fox and defied a dog during his outback exploits that took him five miles from home at East Ruston near North Walsham, Norfolk and saw him reunited with his family. The eight-month-old bird was bought as a pet by Ellie Waite and soon became a firm favourite among her family’s brood of chickens, ducks and dogs with his cheeky personality and inquisitive nature. He would come running when called, enjoyed cuddles and regularly wander into the house if the door was left open. So the family were devastated when two weeks ago, they went out in the morning to discover a pile of black feathers and no sign of Bernard.
Mrs Waite said: “The fox had come to claim his Xmas lunch early. My husband searched the fields to see if he could find his remains or any sign of him but to no avail, Bernard was dead. It was horrendous, we were in mourning.” Ten days later however, hopes were raised he could still be alive after the family’s next door neighbour mentioned a fellow villager had found a turkey sitting on her doorstep. Mrs Waite, mum to ten-year-old Ben, rushed to the woman’s house and was told a badly injured Bernard had indeed visited - but since disappeared. “The lovely lady had been caring for him, putting him in her garage at night and letting him in her garden during the day,” she said.

“But when she returned from work one evening Bernard had gone without a trace. My heart sank, I was too late.” Back in the wilderness, the family feared there was no way he would survive as he would not have been able to roost out of the reach of predators, due to his injuries. In a last ditch effort, Mrs Waite posted an appeal on Facebook. Her plea spread quickly across the social networking site, with everyone rooting for Bernard’s safe return - however unlikely so close to Xmas. But within two hours, Mrs Waite had a reply. “To my utter amazement I got a message from someone who had seen my cry for help. She said ‘I think I have got your turkey here’. After nearly falling through the floor I made contact with the lady who was actually in Happisburgh, about five miles away.”
Bernard had been spotted by a dog walker not far from home. Unfortunately the dog was not a bird fan and gave chase, but the ever resilient turkey fought back and managed to escape - again. The dog walker took his pet home and returned to the field, where Bernard promptly popped out from the undergrowth. Not knowing what to do with the injured bird the man called his friend in Happisburgh who keeps chickens. Bernard soon became a much-adored addition to his adopted family - until they saw the Facebook post and were able to finally reunite him with the Waites. Mrs Waite said: “He’s a bit battered and bruised but he’s fine. He’s just shown such resilience, he’s a proper butt-kicking bird. He’s the Bear Grylls of the turkey world.”

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