Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Picky mugger handed back victim's flip phone

Beggars might be not be choosers, but muggers apparently are. A gun-toting mugger in Central Park, New York was so disappointed by his victim’s flip phone that he handed it back.

“Once he saw my phone, he looked at it like, ‘What the f–k is this?’ and gave it back to me,” recalled Kevin Cook, 25, of Brooklyn.
“It’s like a 3-year-old generation Windows phone,” said Cook, who was walking with a friend at 12:30am on Saturday. “I guess he didn’t think he could get anything for it,” Cooke added. “It’s kind of humorous.”

The gunman, who threatened to kill Cooke and his friend, was wearing a dark-green winter coat and blue jeans. His accomplice wore his long black hair in a ponytail. Both fled before police officers arrived.

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