Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Possible voodoo curse victim filed police report 'just in case'

A Florida man thought someone put a voodoo curse on him, telling police he wanted it documented in case he experienced "ill effects from the voodoo" in the future.
The 35-year-old man told Fort Pierce police he thought "others in the Haitian community had turned against him and placed a voodoo curse on him." The man said he thought the curse was designed to glean his personal information.
He suspected the curse had been in place for about a year, though indicated he hadn't experienced any identity theft type issues. "(The man) explained other Haitian people were jealous of him, and that is the reason they burdened him with the curse," the police report states.
The man, whose listed address is on South 17 Street in Fort Pierce, appeared "normal," according to the document. "(He) said he did not want to harm anyone else or himself, and added that he loved everybody." The man said he wanted the situation documented in case "he were to suffer ill effects from the voodoo at some point in the future."

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