Thursday, December 5, 2013

Racist Names for Dinesh D'Souza

Nobody tells it like the Rude Pundit
Obama-hating pusbag Dinesh D'Souza tweeted this today: "I am thankful this week when I remember that America is big enough and great enough to survive Grown-Up Trayvon in the White House!"
Out of the blue. Apropos of nothing other than D'Souza's lousy sense of humor. Needless to say, some people were upset that D'Souza essentially said that Obama was nothing more than a hoodie-wearing thug who ought to be shot for looking black and suspicious.

You know, if you're gonna make a racist joke, at least make it funny. To wit, here's a list of things someone could call Dinesh D'Souza, with full awareness that this is totally racist and inappropriate and you should probably stop reading here if you are easily offended by such things, even if it is done with a sense of ironic self-awareness of the implicit racism contained in the eff...okay, here they are:
 1. Grown-up Hadji
 2. Anti-Gandhi
 3. Dumbdog Millionaire
 4. Sri Dickna
 5. Gunga Dim

 That's enough. Racist jokes are easy and worthless. Also, basically, fuck that guy.

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