Friday, December 13, 2013

Singing robin has taken up residence in festive tree in flower shop

A robin has taken up residence in a festive tree decoration in a village flower shop.
The bird first appeared at the front door of the Flower Box in Grantown on Spey in the Highland Council Area in Scotland, two weeks ago. Maria Norman, who owns the shop, said it started following her in each morning and would stay until she let it out in the afternoon.
However, the robin now stays in the shop all day and night rather than fly out the open door. Ms Norman said: "He had been flying about outside and then started following me inside each morning.

YouTube link. Alternative video link if the BBC News YouTube video doen't work outside the UK.
"He would start to get agitated around half past three and I would open the door for him and he'd fly away. But now he doesn't fly out and stays in the shop and sings to the customers." She added: "He has everything he needs in the shop - a tree, a bath and food."

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