Friday, December 27, 2013

Snake slithered into Humpty Doo woman's bed

A snake was kicked out of bed after slithering between the sheets and over the legs of an unsuspecting woman in Australia's Northern Territory. Hailee Skinner, 24, of Humpty Doo, returned home from dinner, got into bed and started watching a movie when she "felt something touching (her) leg" on Sunday night.

"At first I thought it was a gecko," Ms Skinner said. "I kicked it off and I looked down and saw a snake. All I could see was something slithering. Ms Skinner said she screamed when she saw the reptile on the ground. "I've never been friendly with snakes," Ms Skinner said. "My biggest fear in the moment was that it would bite me then go off into the house and we wouldn't be able to find it.
"I called my mum, who called my brother, who came and wrangled it. My brother said it was an olive python." The snake was about 60cm long. Ms Skinner said she had spotted several snakes, including pythons and green tree snakes, on the deck and in the yard at her family's home in the past nine years. "But I'd never seen one inside and definitely not in my bed," she said.

"I've got no idea how it got there but it might have come in with the washing basket. I'll definitely be checking the bed and making sure there are no open doors or holes or any other way for them to get in from now on." Ms Skinner said her brother released the snake in a nearby swamp.

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