Sunday, December 15, 2013

Something Extra

  Two-meter long lizard visited social club searching for a good looking girl and a feed
A two-meter long monitor lace lizard decided to drop into Hornsby RSL club in Sydney, Australia on Tuesday lunchtime. The reptile emerged from the bush shortly before midday before wandered into its foyer.
Ben Harvey from Reptile Rescue and Removal Services Inc captured and released the creature in bushland a short time later. "It was big and it's not something you take lightly," Mr Harvey said.
Mr Harvey jumped on the lace monitor before securing its mouth with duct tape and tying its hands and feet to its body. "It's a matter of safely securing it from behind the head and making sure its claws don't make contact with your skin," he said.

"It's claws are razor sharp and used for climbing trees and it's teeth are like a tiger shark's." He said the two-meter male was likely on the hunt, but not just for food. "It's laying time for females so they follow the scent. He was likely on the lookout for a good looking girl and a feed."

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