Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Biggest Science Discoveries Of 2013

Since you read Carolina Naturally, you are probably more familiar with the items in this article than the average person, but seeing the biggest discoveries of 2013 all in one place will make you feel better about the current state of scientific inquiry. From the exploration of distant space to the manipulation of DNA, we know more now than we've ever known before. And "we" have traveled farther than we ever thought possible.
One of the year's biggest announcements came from news that actually happened in 2012. The aftershocks of a pair of solar storms in September confirmed that NASA's venerable Voyager 1 spacecraft had actually entered interstellar space. (See "Voyager 1 Leaves Solar System, NASA Confirms.")

"It is an incredible event, to send the first human object into interstellar space," study lead author Donald Gurnett, of the University of Iowa in Iowa City, told National Geographic.
The rest of the stories also have links to further reading, at National Geographic News.

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