Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Lunatic Fringe Is Filled with biblical Illiterates

Faux News' Swill O'Really defended the repugican cabal's spending cuts for SNAP by effectively declaring Jesus would not support food stamps for the poor because most them are drug addicts. If his insensitive remark is inconsistent with Scripture, which it is, then the question becomes why do talking heads on the right get away with proclaiming what jesus would or wouldn't support?

The answer is simple: wingnuts have not read the Bible.

The Lunatic Fringe has successfully re-branded the brown-skinned liberal jew, who gave away free healthcare and was pro-redistributing wealth, into a white-skinned, trickle-down, union-busting wingnut, for the very fact that an overwhelming number of Americans are astonishingly illiterate when it comes to understanding the bible. On hot-button social issues, from same-sex marriage to abortion, biblical passages are invoked without any real understanding of the context or true meaning. It's surprising how little christians know of what is still the most foul book to ever darken the American continent.

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