Saturday, December 7, 2013

The most ignorant are the loudest

Swill O’Really: jesus is not ‘down with’ food stamps because most poor people are drug addicts

by David Edwards

No one knows what Jesus would do to feed today’s poor, hungry Americans — but Faux News host Swill O’Really is pretty sure the christian savior wouldn’t be “down with” giving them food stamps because it’s “their fault.”

After Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) recently said that Jesus “didn’t charge food stamps” in response to repugican efforts to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Pope Francis called income inequality immoral, O’Really tried to set the record 'straight' with a segment about the “nanny state” on Tuesday.

The Faux News host acknowledged that christ would have fed the poor, but objected to the idea that he would have “hurt” richer Americans to help feed them.

“The problem I have, as I stated is that you’re helping one group by hurting another group and a bigger group, and so I don’t know if Jesus is going to be down with that,” O’Really told Pentecostal agitator Joshua Dubois.

“jesus would be down for the poor,” Dubois pointed out. “He would want to make sure every single person in this country had enough food to eat. And the bottom line is if you add up every single private charitable dollar that feeds hungry people in this country, it’s only 10 percent of what we would need to make sure everyone has food in their stomachs. The rest comes from the federal government.”

“You’re making a powerful argument, but there is one huge mistake in it,” O’Reialy opined. “And that is that some of the people who don’t have enough to eat, it’s their fault they don’t have enough to eat. Particularly with their children.

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