Sunday, December 8, 2013

War on Xmas?

Maybe, but it's not what you expected, though.

The republicans Are Real Warriors on Xmas

Dear repugicans,

Xtmas is more than a greeting.

Your shallow, idiotic effort to profit by making a big deal out of "Merry Xmas" versus "Happy Holidays" is nothing more than a hollow attempt to deflect attention from your own war.

The Warriors on Xtmas aren't 'liberals'. They're YOU.

If you want to end the War on Xmas, here are some beginning terms for the peace accord:
The season from Thanksgiving to New Years is one which has been overblown by retailers for years in order to pump their bottom lines and make Wall Street happy. Choosing a greeting like "Merry Xmas" or "Happy Holidays" is just saying something to another person during a frenzied retail season. It has no meaning at all unless there is some act of human kindness and sincerity accompanying it.

So, repugicans, it comes down to this. YOU are the ones who wage war on Xmas by leaving people cold, sick, homeless, broke, and separated from their families.

If you want to end that war, you know what to do.

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