Thursday, January 30, 2014

Abandoned pig given food and shelter by locals

A lonely pig abandoned in a field has plucked at the heart-strings of residents of a small community who have given it food and shelter. Believed to be a German micro breed, he was left behind when his family moved.
He was left to graze on land off Horn Street in Shorncliffe, Folkestone, after the previous owners moved several weeks ago. But he has become something of a popular attraction and is regularly fed by passers-by, who have named him Porrick.
Landowner Trevor Boxell wanted to find him a new home, and even tried taking him to a rare breeds center, but they were unable to take him in. Mr Boxell said: “I feel sorry for him. People have been feeding him and built him a hut. They had about 40 of them before but he [the owner] appears to have left him there.

“It’s just a shame for him to sit there and he looks miserable. They’re a herd animal and he looks lonely – you can hear him squealing sometimes. It shows how popular he is that people have built a hut for him.” The land is good grazing land and has a stream running through the middle so he has access to water.

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