Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dimbulb Says repugican cabal Are ‘Like A Bunch Of Wildebeests’ For Not Coming To Christie’s Defense

As one would suspect, Lush Dimbulb totally lost his shit Thursday regarding the Chris Christie bridge scandal. For the most part, Dimbulb spent the entire show discussing the scandal, affectionately known as Bridgegate now. Dimbulb had a lot of different takes on the situation, as you’d expect. And, obviously, Obama was to blame somehow. But what was interesting is that Lush threw the repugican cabal under the bus for not circling he wagons and coming immediately to Christie’s defense. Below are some of his comments from Thursday’s show:

“Governor Christie just yesterday, I believe, and frequently many times prior has talked about how he’s different because he’s shown he can work the other side.  He said (paraphrasing), “It’s not that we don’t have arguments, we have arguments, but, at the end of the day, we put it all aside and we work together.  We get things done in this state.  I know how to work with the other side. I know how to cross the aisle and get things done for the people of New Jersey.”
Okay.  Given that, have any of the Democrats that Governor Christie claims that he can work with come out and supported him?  Not that I’ve heard. Have any of the RINOs, the repugicans in name only, the moderate repugicans, have any repugican establishment types come out and said that they support Christie? They haven’t. This is the thing, folks. This is the thing. The repugicans — when any of them get in trouble, I mean — it’s like a bunch of wildebeests.
If a lion in Africa attacks a wildebeest, all the other wildebeests scram and get out of there and offer no assistance whatsoever. You’ve seen it on National Geographic. You’ve seen it on all the Earth shows, all the animal shows, animals eating animal shows, you’ve seen it all. And the repugican cabal is the same way.”
Yep, he pretty much called repugicans a bunch of cowards that run away frightened when one of their own is attacked. Now, he did make sure to mention RINOs and establishment repugicans. Basically, in Lush’s warped, deluded mind, the only true repugicans are crazy tea party ones, or ones that kiss the ring of King Dimbulb. Anyone that may have had a reasonable thought once or stated that Dimbulb was not the all and powerful voice of the repugican cabal is, of course, a RINO.
After calling out repugicans for not rallying around Christie, El Lushbo was somehow able to blame Christie’s whole troubling saga on Obama. Of course, that is a Dimbulb specialty. Always find a way to mention and blame Obama for anything and everything. In a display of sheer and utter lunacy, Dimbulb pivoted Christie’s Bridgegate into Chicago politics, the IRS ‘scandal’, Obama’s foreign policy, Obamacare and the government shutdown. He tried to equate parks and museums being closed during the government shutdown to Bridgegate. Basically, he blamed Obama for the government shutdown and saying that he closed national parks and landmarks as political retribution, but on a much larger scale than Christie.
Typically, Dimbulb doesn’t make much sense, as he generally rambles on for a few hours looking for new ways to demonize liberals, women, minorities, Democrats and the President. But, on Thursday, he seemed even more incoherent than normal. It is still amazing to me that he has the most popular radio show in the nation. Even for the most ardent racist or woman-hater, what is the appeal of listening to Lush stammer and spit into his microphone for hours on end trying to reach a semi-coherent thought?

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