Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fighting back against the NSA

The National Security Agency nullifiers have gained a toehold.

A pair of California state senators, one Democrat and one repugican, have introduced legislation to prevent the state from helping NSA mass surveillance.
"The National Security Agency's massive level of spying and indiscriminate collecting of phone and electronic data on all Americans, including more than 38 million Californians, is a direct threat to our liberty and freedom," state Sen. Ted Lieu (D), who co-authored the bill with state Sen. Joel Anderson (r), said in a statement on Monday.
The measure would ban state agencies, officials, and corporations that provide services to the state from "supporting or assisting the federal government to spy or collect certain data on Californians," according to a press release.
"State-funded public resources should not be going toward aiding the NSA or any other federal agency from indiscriminate spying on its own citizens and gathering electronic or metadata that violates the Fourth Amendment," Lieu said.

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