Monday, January 6, 2014

Mitt Romney, Hard-Working ‘Honest’ Business Genius, Being Sued for Criminal Racketeering

Mitt Romney, Hard-Working ‘Honest’ Business Genius, Being Sued for Criminal Racketeering
In case you missed it, the defeated Presidential candidate and grandfather of an adopted baby of color, together with his firm and Government Sachs, umm Goldman Sachs are the defendants in a RICO lawsuit.
Romney once touted as some kind of business wunderkind instead of the epitome of the industry that depresses wages and sends jobs oversees can add racketeering, fraud, perjury and possible accessory to murder to his resume.
This story has failed to appear in most mainstream outlets and was even ignored by media that focuses on the crimes of the financial realm.
Steven “Laser Haas” is suing Romney for $100,000,000 and is keeping a juicy diary at
Haas, as the owner of Collateral Logistics, was the court appointed fiduciary agent. He found extensive perjury and fraud while trying to oversee the liquidation of
In a validation of Matt Taibbi’s article about Bain Capital published in Rolling Stone in 2012, Haas discovered massive “bad faith acts,” including the “doubling” of the salaries of more than 1000 employees during bankruptcy, larceny of assets and intents to destroy the public company. It may be a fact that eToys was solvent!
In other words, Bain, together with other financial firms and interests, targeted a solvent company, paid off some top management folks, took a boatload of money for themselves and left the carcass. Jobs lost- oh well.
Haas claims that he was repeatedly offered a $850,000 bribe, and murder might be part of this case.
Haas v Romney will be unfolding throughout 2014. It can only be hoped that major newspapers and other media will start reporting on it.

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