Wednesday, January 1, 2014

More Celtic Poetry

O nobles of Breg, a might that is not deceitful,
with featful points (royal is the road):
know ye the story of every lord
that is here in the Brug of the Mac ind Oc?

Behold the fairy mound before your eyes:
it is plain for you to see, it is a king's dwelling,
it was built by the harsh Dagda:
it was a shelter, it was a keep renowned for strength.

Behold the Bed of the red Dagda:
10] on the slope, without rough rigour;
he paid noble court after the chase
to a fair woman free from eld and sorrow.

Behold the two Paps of the king's consort
here beyond the mound west of the fairy mansion:
15] the spot where Cermait the fair was born,
behold it on the way, not a far step;

Whither came the wife of the son of noble Nemed
to a tryst to meet the swift Dagda,
and her dog after her,
though it was a long journey from afar:

Whither came Midir from Bri Leith
to bear off the prince, it was a lucky find;
so he bore the Mac ind Oc from the ford
with a shield in his protection, though he was weary.

Thereafter was brought, a clever compact,
the boy, on that day nine full years after
to his father, it was a fitting command,
to the loved Dagda at his house.

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