Saturday, January 25, 2014

Science and Health News

This year's dominant flu strain is harsh, but the silver lining is that flu season may peak soon.
So, you can't get that song out of your head? You probably have an earworm. Why is this happening? Well, science isn't very clear on this yet. Laci discusses what we do know about earworms, and offers some advice on how to get rid of them.
For years, we've known that humans can't multitask. We can serial task by switching our attention back and forth, but it makes us less efficient. Trace breaks down a new study shows there is actually one way that the brain can multitask.
The end of stitches is near! Scientists have been experimenting with different adhesives, and one of the most promising is from sandcastle worms, which excrete an adhesive substance that could hold things together in, say, a human heart!

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