Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Woman escaped assault by stabbing blowtorch-wielding attacker in the eye with screwdriver

A woman stabbed her attacker in the eye with a screwdriver after she was forced into a car and burned with a blowtorch on Detroit's west side on Wednesday morning, according to police.
The woman was walking on Plymouth near Appoline, when a man pointed a handgun at the back of her head and made her get into a small, beige, four-door car. "Once inside the vehicle, he struck her several times in the face," said Officer Adam Madera, Detroit Police Department spokesman.
"And then he began ripping her clothes off." The woman, whose age and hometown were not available, fought back. The suspect grabbed a blowtorch and began burning her legs, Madera said. The victim said she grabbed a screwdriver, stabbed her attacker in the eye and escaped from the car naked.
She ran to a home in Appoline, and someone dialed 911 shortly before 7am. The woman is being treated at a hospital for first- and second-degree burns to her legs.  Police are still looking for the suspect, described as a black man with a possible stab wound to the eye, about 23 years old, 6 foot 2, 180 pounds and armed with a blowtorch and handgun.

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