Saturday, February 22, 2014

According to Norse Mythology, The World Will End on Saturday

Hey, wait a minute that's TODAY!
So why not enjoy yourself? Tell your boss to shove it and take an early weekend. Eat, drink and be merry, because the end is nigh. At least, that's what some modern adherents of the Norse religion claim. They say that Ragnarök--the twilight of the gods--will come this Saturday:
Ragnarok is the final predicted battle where the wolf Fenrir will break out of his prison, the snake Jormungand will rise out of the sea, ice giants and the dragon of the underworld will come out and the dead heroes of Valhalla will descend from heaven to fight them. So, if you’re planning a picnic that day, you might want to think twice.
Modern day Viking warriors (believers of this Norse prophecy who dress up and swing wooden swords) have already begun preparing for Ragnarok by converging on the historic UK town of York to celebrate the JORVIK festival.
So bring a sweater--just in case, you know. But don't worry too much about the future. One believer says that Ragnarök means good things for humanity:
"The end of the world is really an end of the world for the gods, and the world will be reborn for the human population," says Daglan.
Yeah, but there probably won't be any more Thor movies. So why should humanity even bother?

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