Monday, February 3, 2014

Council demanded woman pay £0.00 parking fine or face court

A woman was wrongly given a £0.00 parking ticket then chased up for the non-existent fine weeks later. Josh Woodley, 40, was ticketed in Abbey Wood, south east London despite having paid £3.80 to park via text.
She thought nothing more of it until she received a letter from Bexley Council demanding she pay her £0.00 fine with 28 days or face court action.
Josh said: "At first I was furious because I knew I had paid but when I actually looked at it, it had ‘no pounds, no pence’ on it. I don’t know how much it costs them to post these things – they could be better using the funds for more important things.
"There is a part of me that wants to send a cheque to them for no pounds, no pence but I don’t want to waste a stamp." A council spokesman said both notices were issued by mistake and the “fine” has been cancelled.

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