Sunday, February 16, 2014

Man arrested for trying to rob clothes store after being recognized as he's a loyalty card holder

A man was arrested when shop staff at the designer clothes store he tried to rob recognized him - as he was a loyalty card holder. Nathan Hirst, 24, spent the day downing pints before going into Frank Bird’s designer menswear store in Wakefield, West Yorkshire and threatening a 64-year-old shop assistant.

Leeds Crown Court heard the assistant was cashing-up the till around 5.30pm on December 10 last year when Hirst walked in and asked to try on some jeans. He returned with three pairs of jeans and Hirst told him he was going to take them without paying. Hirst then told the assistant that he had two options - either to let him leave with two bags full of clothes or give him cash from the till.
Hirst told the shop assistant he “wouldn’t be going home” unless he accepted his demands.The shop’s general manager then arrived and Hirst demanded “protection money” to prevent the shop from “being targeted by Romanians”. Hirst then left empty handed. The court heard Hirst was slurring his words and appeared to be under the influence of drink or drugs at the time.

Hirst, of Wakefield, was arrested after he was recognized as being a loyalty card customer. He told officers he had been drinking since 9am that day. He said he could recall having an argument in the shop but little else. He pleaded guilty to attempted robbery. Hirst was given a 15-month sentence, suspended for two years, and ordered to do 200 hours unpaid work.

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