Sunday, February 2, 2014

Neighbors baffled by invasion of golf balls

The appearance of dozens of golf balls in Beddington, south London has left neighbors mystified. The riddle initially centered on one couple, of Richmond Road, who have found nine balls in their back garden in the last month.
But now the enigmatic spherical intruders have begun spread to neighboring houses, leaving residents scratching their heads. Graham Trodd had lived in the road with his wife for 20 years without finding a single golf ball - until December. He said: "We started finding them about a month ago. They just keep appearing overnight.
"I'll just be walking around the garden and then, oh, there's another a golf ball. Then on Friday one of our neighbors said to us she had found one in her garden and another one found them in his flowerpots." He added: "It's mysterious. If it was an animal you would think would be just dropped on the lawn, but they are actually half-buried.
"All you see is a little white dome sticking out of the ground. There are no teeth marks on them and they're brand new, so we don't know where they are coming from. Why so many of them and where are they are coming from? I've tried to think about it but I haven't got a clue. It is a mystery. Personally I've got no idea." Mitcham Golf Course, the nearest to Richmond Road, is almost three miles away.

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