Friday, February 14, 2014

Suicide Bomb Instructor Accidentally Kills Entire Class Of Terrorists-In-Training

A group of terrorist insurgents are dead after they accidentally detonated their own car bomb Monday at a terrorist training camp in a Sunni Muslim area north of Baghdad.
Iraqi officials said that 21 are dead and some two dozen have been arrested as a result of the incident, reported by Business Insider.
Security forces rushed to the area after hearing the explosion, and arrested 22 men attempting to flee, which included several who were injured.
Authorities found seven car bombs without plates, several explosive belts and roadside bombs after searching two houses and a garage in the area.
A police officer said that the militants were attending a lesson on making car bombs and explosive belts when a glitch set off one of their devices.
According to Business Insider, violence has spiked in Iraq since April of last year, when security forces cracked down on a Sunni protest camp.
Insurgents, who have been exploiting Sunni anger over perceived mistreatment by the Shiite-led government, are also emboldened by successes of their comrades in the war raging in the neighboring country of Syria.

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