Sunday, February 23, 2014

The repugican cabal abortion foes are criminalizing the doctor-patient relationship

"The doctor-patient relationship." 

For more than 20 years, wingnut propagandists and their repugican allies have used that four-word bludgeon to beat back universal health care reform. In 1994, repugican cabal lacky Bill Kristol warned that "the Clinton Plan is damaging to the quality of American medicine and to the relationship between the patient and the doctor." Kristol's successful crusade to derail Bill Clinton's reform effort was greatly aided by future "death panels" fabulist Betsy McCaughey, who wrongly warned that Americans would even lose the right to see the doctor of their choice. Twelve years later, The shrub proclaimed, "Ours is a cabal that understands the best health care system is when the doctor-patient relationship is central to decision-making."

But when it comes to abortion and women's reproductive health, the repugican cabal mantra about protecting "doctor-patient" isn't just demagoguery of the basest kind. It is a cruel and vicious hoax. Even as the nation's abortion rate has dropped to a 40 year low, dozens of draconian restrictions enacted in repugican-controlled states are mandating that physicians lie to their patients, perform unnecessary procedures in needlessly regulated facilities and even withhold potentially lifesaving care. Now, repugicans aren't just standing over the shoulders of American doctors who put their patients' health first; they want to put them in prison, too.

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