Friday, February 28, 2014

The repugican cabal Can’t Decide if the Majority Matters

The religio-wingnuts Right want to harness the tyranny of the majority if they can get it, and ignore the majority if they can't…
The (un)American (anti)Family Association (AFA) posted a despairing yet jubilant note on their FB page meant, I suppose, to rally the troops, who, while being a majority of Americans, are also somehow, paradoxically, a persecuted minority:
READ & SHARE: Thank you for your vigilance in standing with AFA for Truth. Here is an important reminder today from Joe McKeever, “We may want to prepare our children for the changes coming to this society whether we like them or not: The marginalization of biblical christianity, the erosion of hard-won liberties, the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle in every area of our culture, gay marriage accepted everywhere, and certain cults (we will leave them unnamed here) to be seen as part of orthodox christianity. One scripture, however, becomes more and more important to god’s people: “Their unbelief does not nullify the faithfulness of god…. Rather, let god be found true, though every man be found a liar” (romans 3:3-4). god’s word was not given to us “on approval,” friend. It stands!”
So let’s get this straight:
  1. biblical christianity (as opposed to, I suppose, non-biblical christianity), is being marginalized;
  2. Unspecified but hard-won liberties are being eroded;
  3. The homosexual lifestyle is being accepted in every area of our culture;
  4. Gay marriage is being accepted everywhere;
  5. Certain other cults (look out, Mitt Romney!) want to be seen as part of orthodox christianity.
The problem seems here, at least, to be the will of the people. All these people the AFA is complaining about, want what the bible allegedly says they cannot have. The will of the people is being heeded, and that’s a problem, says the AFA, because it’s contrary to the bible.
If you find this mish-mash of ideas to be, well, a mish-mash of ideas, think about mish-mashed Iowa repugican Bob Vander Plaats. Vander Plaats is the head of The (anti)Family (mis)Leader (surely you remember the infamous (anti)Family (mis)Leader pledge that said blacks were better off as slaves?).
Vander Plaats is upset that the U.S. Constitution trumps state constitutions, and he is doubly upset with Rand Paul for doing nothing as a response to a judge striking down Kentucky’s marriage ban, despite the fact that really, there is nothing Paul can do.
Well, I think one thing is that he needs to step up to the microphone. This is his state, this is Kentucky. This is something that runs totally against who he is. I mean, he’s about liberty. And if it’s about liberty, and if you have a judge usurping the will of the people of Kentucky, that runs contrary to liberty. If you believe marriage is a state rights issue and the state of Kentucky says, ‘This is what marriage is to us, one man and one woman, clearly defined,’ then you better stand up to that state rights issue. If you believe what you say you believe, that marriage is foundational and it’s between a man and a woman, which is what he says he believes, then you got to stand up for that, because that’s the law of nature, that’s the law of nature’s god, that’s the Declaration of Independence, which this whole country was founded on.
The problem here (other than the problematic nature of “traditional marriage” itself) also centers around the will of the people; specifically, that the will of the people is being ignored. The lesson to be drawn here seems to be that,
  1. If the majority want something the bible says they cannot have, the majority is wrong and must be denied; and,
  2. If the majority want what the bible says they must have, then the majority must be heeded; therefore,
  3. Only what the bible says matters (Oh, and as a logical consequence, the Constitution doesn’t – not at all).
The Declaration of Independence Vander Plaats says, somehow managing not to mention the U.S. Constitution – you know, the one Tom DeLay says Americans have forgotten was written by god. You know, the Constitution that guarantees freedom of religion by banning the sort of state sponsored religion the AFA and Vander Plaats want to impose on America?
Just as a side note to Tom DeLay: you don’t see god’s name on the United States Constitution, and you won’t anywhere within it find any biblical principles. Saying that the Constitution is identical with the Bible is just a means by which the Constitution can be swept aside and ignored, because, after all, it just says what the bible says.
I suppose one method of turning back the “marginalization of biblical christianity” is to adopt Bryan Fischer’s scheme to allow into this country only christians immigrants fleeing from muslim persecution, because, you know, that’s what it says on the Statue of Liberty: “christians only.”
Oh wait, it doesn’t say that at all, does it? No more than the Constitution says the First Amendment applies only to christians. The Statue of Liberty says, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” – without exception, while the old testament repugicans are so fond of quoting says its teachings are for the Chosen People of Israel – without exception, something to which Jesus himself agreed when he told his followers not to give to dogs what is holy or to throw pearls before swine.
The old testament was never meant to apply to us gentiles, yet here we have it being forced down our throats despite god’s expressed will in the old testament and the will of our Founding Fathers as expressed in the United States Constitution.
The religio-wingnuts want to harness the tyranny of the majority if they can get it, and ignore the majority if they can’t, all the while ignoring the Constitution that, rather than the bible or the majority in individual states, cities or towns, is the law of the land.

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