Friday, February 7, 2014

The repugicans Self Destruct as a wingnut cabal Tries to Overthrow Boehner and McConnell

Republican leaders Senator Mitch McConnell and John Boehner speak after a bipartisan meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House in Washington 
With months to go until the 2014 election, repugicans are already attacking each other as a wingnut cabal is running ads against John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and repugican congressional leaders for not repealing Obamacare.
The cabal For America is the latest concoction of lunatic fringe wingnut Brent Bozell, and he is out to overthrow the entire repugican congressional leadership. He is are irate that the repugican leadership has not been able to stop the “liberal agenda” from advancing.
In a statement to CNN Bozell said, “Time and again, year after year, the repugican leadership in the House and Senate has come to grassroots wingnuts, and tea party supporters pleading for our money, our volunteers, our time, our energy and our votes. In return they have repeatedly promised not just to stop the liberal assault on our freedoms and our national treasury, but to advance our wingnut agenda. It’s been years. There is not a single wingnut accomplishment this so-called ‘leadership’ can point to.”
The group’s website goes further, by calling the leadership chickens who are afraid to repeal Obamacare, “wingnuts are sick and tired of politicians who promise to fight for wingnut delusions like repealing ObamaCare during election season, but forget them once they get to Washington! Congressional repugicans are on the record opposing ObamaCare, but now, when presented with the opportunity to take meaningful action against it, they chicken out.” (I suspect they are referring to the government shutdown that destroyed the repugican cabal.)
Bozell is correct in the respect that repugicans continually make promises to their base that they know they will never be able to deliver on. The repugicans knew full well in 2010 that if they even if they took control of the House, they couldn’t stop the ACA. Reality didn’t stop them from lying and promising to repeal Obamacare if they had control of the House. The repugicans have done nothing, but only a true sucker would expect success when Democrats control the both the Senate and the presidency.
Reality is not a hurdle for Bozell, who announced a digital ad campaign who announced an ad campaign against the entire House and Senate repugican leadership. Boehner, Cantor, McCarthy, McConnell, Cornyn, and others are all being targeted by ads from the lunatic fringe that will attack them for failing to accomplish anything.
For most of the leadership, these ads are meaningless. They are in safe repugican districts and states, but this kind of agitation is serious trouble for Mitch McConnell. The Senate repugican leader is deadlocked with Democrat Alison Grimes in a tight race for his seat. The last thing he needs is agitation from the lunatic fringe that could turn depress repugican turnout in November.
2014 is the last best chance that repugicans are going to have to take control of the Senate for a long time. After 2014, repugicans will be defending more seats than Democrats. With so much on the line one would think that the repugican cabal could get it together and unify around at least one goal, but repugicans are self destructing yet again.
The leadership of the cabal of No is reaping what it has sown, and the more the repugican cabal squabbles, the better things will look for Democrats in November.

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