Thursday, March 13, 2014

Astronomical News

This newly-released observation of Saturn's second largest moon could be mistaken for our own moon hanging in the night sky.
Pledging to uphold the Japanese spirit of "wa" -- harmony -- Koichi Wakata took command of the International Space Station on Sunday, the first Japanese astronaut to lead a human space mission.
There's no evidence for the existence of Planet X, despite a NASA space telescope’s best efforts to track it down.
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has helped solve an infrared mystery surrounding baby star systems that has puzzled astronomers since the 1980s.
A giant clump of carbon monoxide found around a nearby star hints at collisions between comets and the presence of a massive hidden planet.
As winter descends on Mars' southern hemisphere, forming tell-tail frost in the lengthening shadows, the opposite is true in the northern hemisphere -- spring has sprung and the northernmost dunes are beginning to thaw.
Out of the thousands of craters scarring the face of Mars, one has emerged as the likely source of most of the Martian meteorites that have been recovered on Earth.

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